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The Missing Piece

When I first saw this puzzle I immediately thought of numerous directions I could go for this article.. For example, I could have written an article about how people are constantly searching for that missing puzzle piece in their lives. Many are looking for the missing puzzle piece to solve their unique health issue. Or perhaps looking for that one elusive mate in which to fall in love. There may be some that are looking for that missing puzzle piece that would finally give them the financial security they’ve been looking for. Or, perhaps they are just simply looking for peace, bliss, or the feeling of being ‘one with the Universe’. And I have no doubt that many people never really appreciate what they have because they are always searching for some “thing” outside of themselves that they feel they need in order to be happy. What a powerful message that would be.
Then, another idea occurred to me. Many of us may have forgotten that, in order to judge someone or something, we need all the puzzle pieces. Someday I’d like to have an artist create a huge jigsaw puzzle to drive home this point. It might be a scene in a busy park with kids playing and perhaps an old man sitting on a park bench with a little girl standing next to him. This puzzle would be pieced together in stages, photographed at each stage and the viewer would be asked to guess what is going on between the old man and the little girl. As each piece is added, a completely different scenario will unfold. No one will be able to guess until the last puzzle piece is placed. In other words, in life, we act as though we know the score, but we really don’t, because we are missing a critical piece of the puzzle.
And finally, I’ve saved the best and most dangerous to last. It’s the real reason I wrote this article and it was the first concept that popped into my head when I saw the picture above. I say the most dangerous, because so many people have this problem and it had such a huge impact upon the world. It’s the very common idea that a person will be holding a piece of the puzzle in their hands, and for some reason, they think that they have the entire puzzle. These are the people who think they know everything, but they actually know very little. And, for some reason, they are fairly high up in the decision making areas of the country. Now how did that happen?
We are constantly bombarded with people who are telling us what is good for us. One thing that works for one person may not work for another. It’s great that you hold a puzzle piece in your hand, but it’s not the whole puzzle. There are others out there that are also holding a piece of the grand puzzle, and only by putting all of our puzzle pieces together will we ever make sense of what’s going on around us.
Dr. Gary Kersey ©2016
President, Quantum Care R & D, LLC


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